on regular basisの例文
on a regular basis
I was the first one to start on a regular basis. The two of us do not talk on a regular basis. It's a battle Kinsella fights on a regular basis. However, they would meet in future on a reg......

regular basis
I was the first one to start on a regular basis. The two of us do not talk on a regular basis. It's a battle Kinsella fights on a regular basis. However, they would meet in future on a reg......

a basis
We give the rookies and free agents a basis to work with. Its yield climbed half a basis point to 2 . 11 percent. Its yield rose half a basis point to 2 . 39 percent. Its yield fell half a......

a case - by - case basis
We take it on a case-by-case basis, But it is on a case-by-case basis. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis. We will investigate on a case-by-case basis, This is subject on a case-by......

a case-by-case basis
Application will be assessed on a case - by - case basis The application would be examined on a case - by - case basis If there are other similar problems , we will deal with them seriousl......

ability to pay basis
Ability to pay basis

accident year basis
Accident year basis

accounting basis
On an accounting basis, the gain offset the $ 233.4 million charge. On an accounting basis, the gain offset the $ 233 . 4 million charge. Under the new accounting basis its first-half net ......

accounting on a cash basis
Think of the federal government as a gigantic insurance company ( with a sideline business in national defense and homeland security ), which does its accounting on a cash basis, only coun......

accounting on accrual basis
Dr hon eric li raised a question on the preparation of the government s accounts on accrual basis in examining the estimates of expenditure 2004 - 05 Dr hon eric li raised a question on th......

accrual basis
Proprietary funds, used for business-like activities, usually operate on an accrual basis. The actual financing of the national budget is done on an accrual basis. The accrual basis can id......

accrual basis accounting
Except for the unified budget deficit, the federal government's financial statements rely on accrual basis accounting. GAAP employs the generally accepted form of accrual basis accounting,......

accrual basis of accounting
According to the accrual basis of accounting, even though the computer has been purchased on credit, the computer is already the property of Quick Services and must be recognised as such. ......

accrual basis principle
Besides these analyses in part of the economical agency theory , accounting period assumption , accrual basis principle , accounting estimate , professional estimation and accounting measu......

accrual-basis accounting
Major principles included in gaap are the objective principle , the materiality principle , the consistency principle , the conservatism principle , the accrual - basis accounting principl......

accruals basis
The actual financing of the national budget is done on an accrual basis. The accrual basis can identify the cost of operations while the current method cannot. Proprietary funds, used for ......

acoustics basis
The book pointed Partch towards just intonation as an acoustic basis for his music. Having not completed primary studies, he was ignorant of the acoustic basis of music & mdash; so he was ......

actual year basis
Actual year basis

actuarial basis
He added, " The question is whether there's a sound actuarial basis here. It was not a good actuarial basis. The sickness funds are mandated to provide a wide range of coverages and cannot......

ad hoc basis
In contrast, repurchases can be done on a more ad hoc basis. "But I think it's very much on an ad hoc basis ." At present, they have to be organized on an ad hoc basis. Many inter-governme......

adapted basis
CSFs are therefore sometimes also called N-particle symmetry adapted basis functions. More generally, the stabilizer of a flag ( the linear operators on " V " such that T ( V _ i ) for all......

additive basis
One can see from an elementary argument that if B is an additive basis of order h, then If f ( n ) is always positive for sufficiently large n, then B is called an additive basis ( of orde......

adjusted basis
On a risk-adjusted basis it has outperformed since its inception in 2000. On a risk-adjusted basis, however, the returns were virtually identical, Hulbert said. In 2002, foundation giving ......

adjusted cost basis
Policy loans not only have high interest rates these depletes the policy's Adjusted Cost Basis thus compromising its tax advantage. The Commissioner's position is that she must use the adj......

adjusted costs basis
Policy loans not only have high interest rates these depletes the policy's Adjusted Cost Basis thus compromising its tax advantage. Tracking the adjusted cost basis of stocks, bonds, mutua......